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Need a Career Boost?

Have you ever wondered about the ways you could advance yourself and elevate in your career ? Have you had countless interviews or countless applications to job postings with little to no call backs ? have you considered all the methods to better your career ?

Wanting to advance in your career is something many of us strive for- we work hard towards these goals and wish for our efforts to be showcased. Though for some of us, it can be harder goal to obtain all due to one-selves own mindset. I myself know the struggles of finding your ‘ place ‘; as many millennials my options were to be in school to get a ‘ dream job ‘ But the road to this wasn’t as easy as planned. To be honest I changed career streams / industry and with that comes some difficult finding a place you want to see yourself grow in.

Many of us have been stuck in a mindset which seems to cloud reality, thinking that a everything should and will set itself in place perfectly- but this is not always the case. For us to grow mentally we must look within, look at our wants , needs , potential wants and needs. That’s a base start – we look to different practices of education for us to find a comfortable stage. from this we struggle as it’s never exactly how we ‘ planned ‘ our lives to be . Although, not realizing there’s not way to ‘ plan out’ your life . If we were to stop and gather our thoughts and at young age ,visualize our happiness would we be closer to our goals ? Would we struggle less with the concept of having it all together ? I ask these questions because I want the initial conversation to be of within when looking for outward goals .


Affirmations are guidance sentences which can help you bring more peace , positivity and attract the wants you desire into your life. Think Law of attraction – Think being nice to yourself .

You can work on affirmations buy choosing a few sentences everyday verbally or in writing.

– I will be successful in my career

– I am worthy of a promotion

– I am in charge of my future

Although this may seem like a foreign concept to you, affirmations with the correct mindset could encourage you to think more positively about our goals , give you confidence and boost your mood.

Resume AND Cover Letter

A good resume . A great cover letter .

simple – the key tips I want to stress when it comes to your resume, you want to focus on keeping it to two pages. With at least 3 places of employment and 3-5 bulletins related to your job tasks.


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